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时间:2024-04-27 13:56:17
1、打破自己原则和底线坚持的爱情,结局一定很烂。 Break their own principles and bottom line, adhere to love, the end must be bad. 2、道理都懂,但是就像鱼活在水里,也死在水里。 We all know the truth, but just like a fish living in the water, it also dies in the water. 3、路若走得不够艰难,你就该怀疑它是不是对的。 If the road is not hard enough, you should doubt whether it is right. 4、用一根火柴烧一座蜃楼,借这场大雨让自己逃走。 Burn a mirage with a match and let yourself escape by the heavy rain. 5、回忆成了苍白色,信任成了假装释然。 Memories become pale, and trust becomes a pretence of relief. 6、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候都怕是打扰。 We used to be so good, but now even greetings are afraid to disturb. 7、不能做很快乐的自己,但一定要做很真实的自己。 You can't be the happiest yourself, but you must be the most authentic yourself. 8、人生三为:和为贵,善为本,诚为先。 Three life: harmony is precious, kindness is the foundation, honesty is the first. 9、好朋友不会让你独自犯傻,他们会陪你一起二。 Good friends don't let you be stupid alone, they will accompany you two. 10、忽然发现,其实我的手机是因为你才比较有用。 Suddenly found that, in fact, my mobile phone is more useful because of you. 11、都已经结束了,我怎么还惦记那个梦。 It's all over. How can I still miss that dream. 12、谢谢你喜欢过我,我也喜欢当年喜欢你的那个我。 Thank you for liking me. I also like the one who liked you. 13、你这人有点脑发育不全,简称:幼稚。 You are a bit of brain hypoplasia. 14、梦中楼上月下,站着眉目依旧的你啊! Dream upstairs under the moon, standing eyebrows still you ah! 15、一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。 If a person loves you or not, you can feel it if you don't care about you. 16、幸福是当我失落,你像天使给我快乐。 Happiness is when I am lost, you give me happiness like an angel. 17、你没有错,我没有错,是一阵风,吹熄了承诺。 You are not wrong, I am not wrong, is a gust of wind, blowing out the promise. 18、很恰当的距离是:彼此互不伤害,又能保持温暖。 The most appropriate distance is: do not hurt each other, but can keep warm. 19、有没有一个人是你心口的朱砂,抹不去忘不掉。 Is there a person who is the cinnabar in your heart that you can't forget. 20、我们之间的距离,是心照不宣的默契。 The distance between us is a tacit understanding. 21、爱你真的太卑微了,我记得以前我明明很嚣张的。 Love you really too humble, I remember before I was very arrogant. 22、想得开,也就那么一回事想不开,什么都是事。 If you can open your mind, it's just the same thing. If you can't, everything is a matter. 23、撒娇,有时候是一种高层次的耍赖。 Being coquettish is sometimes a kind of high-level play. 24、钟表,可以回到起点,却已不是昨天。 Clock, can return to the starting point, but it is not yesterday. 25、过去的那段记忆再残酷再痛苦,我也无法忘记。 No matter how cruel and painful the past memories are, I can't forget them. 26、他意气风发说远方有她,后来却满身风雪回了家。 He said he had her in the distance, but later came back home covered with snow. 27、想要把你忘记真的好难,思念的痛在我心里纠缠。 It's really hard to forget you. The pain of missing is entangled in my heart. 28、我想,我不需要短暂的冷淡,和过期不候的温暖。 I think, I don't need short-term coldness, and overdue warmth. 29、你都好意思骗我,我不好意思不信。 I'm sorry you lied to me. 30、喜欢的东西往往会失去,不喜欢的反而留在身边。 Like things tend to lose, do not like to stay with you. 31、你对我太过冷淡,所以解释苍白无力。 You're so cold to me that you can't explain it. 32、你感谢我付出,更感谢我退出,说她更需要照顾。 You thank me for giving, you thank me for quitting and saying that she needs more care. 33、多少次我告诉自己,此情可待成追忆。 How many times have I told myself that this feeling can be remembered. 34、你所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人奢望的明天。 What you waste today is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday expect. 35、就当风没吹过,雨没下过,你没来过,我没爱过。 When the wind did not blow, the rain did not fall, you did not come, I did not love. 36、闺蜜,一起笑,一起哭,一起二,有你们很幸福。 Girlfriends, laugh together, cry together, two, it's very happy to have you. 37、你明明知道我在闹,为什么不抱住我叫我别走。 You know I'm making trouble, why don't you hold me and tell me not to go. 38、今天心情莫名的不好,唱歌唱的难受。 Today, I am in a bad mood. I feel sad when I sing. 39、当你离开以后,如果我不爱你,我就不会痛苦。 When you leave, if I don't love you, I won't suffer. 40、烟花谢,菊花零,繁花落幕只剩余音。 Fireworks Xie, chrysanthemum zero, flowers end only residual sound. 41、现在你牵着谁的手在笑,穿过怎样的街角压马路? Now, whose hand are you holding laughing at? What kind of corner do you cross? 42、回忆是腐蚀意念的东西,像毒药,折磨的是心。 Memory is the thing that corrodes the mind, like poison, it torments the heart. 43、我多想一个不小心就和你白头偕老。 I want to live together with you if I'm not careful. 44、我的不主动联系,弄丢了许多的人。 I don't take the initiative to contact, lost a lot of people. 45、我们改变不了常规的定律,但完全能掌控自己。 We can't change the rules, but we can control ourselves. 46、想想自己,想想自己的愚昧,怎么会如此可笑。 Think about yourself, think about your ignorance, how can it be so ridiculous. 47、分手了就该老死不相往来,展露一丝思念都是贱。 Break up on the old death do not contact, showing a trace of missing are cheap. 48、在挑别人的毛病之前,先看看自己是否真的完美。 Before you find fault with others, see if you are really perfect. 49、和你在一起的时候,我有时忘了自己。 When I'm with you, I sometimes forget myself. 50、从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。 From now on, I will no longer expect, only cherish what I have. 51、等着回忆析出尘埃,然后一切落定。 Waiting for the memories to separate out dust, and then everything is settled. 52、闭上眼睛渴望你出现,怎么让你再爱我多一点! Close your eyes, eager for you to appear, how to let you love me more! 53、给你很简单的温柔,很放肆的幸福。 Give you the most simple gentle, the most wanton happiness. 54、生命中曾拥有过的灿烂,终究都需要用寂寞偿还。 Once had in the life splendid, after all needs to use the lonely repayment. 55、你永远不会知道,你那种忽冷忽热的态度多伤人。 You'll never know how hurtful your hot and cold attitude is. 56、醉,就醉它个舍吾迷离。醉,就醉它个晓风残月。 Drunk, it is drunk, I am confused. Drunk, drunk it a morning breeze Wanyue. 57、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。 People's aspirations are usually in direct proportion to their abilities. 58、也许所谓的朋友,永远不能与所谓的爱人相比。 Perhaps the so-called friend can never be compared with the so-called lover. 59、忘记一个人很简单,不要见,不要贱。 Forget a person is very simple, do not see, not cheap. 60、人生就是拼命的奔跑,与华丽的跌倒。 Life is to run like crazy, and fall with gorgeous.





